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Youths to offer a dramatic reality check

Months of hard work for 30 kids will culminate into a musical and drama production this weekend.The children will, along with ten adults, will perform "Reality Check Psalms 46:10" at City Hall.Created, directed and composed by Gina Spence Production in Christ, this two-hour show will make fun of several Bermudian events such as the "Neverest DaCosta's People Show".

Months of hard work for 30 kids will culminate into a musical and drama production this weekend.

The children will, along with ten adults, will perform "Reality Check Psalms 46:10" at City Hall.

Created, directed and composed by Gina Spence Production in Christ, this two-hour show will make fun of several Bermudian events such as the "Neverest DaCosta's People Show".

The entire performance is a series of dance, drama and musical skits with actors and actresses ranging in age from 5 to 45-years-old.

The audience will follow the story line based around two characters called Deception and Reality, who play out a variety of situations.

Ms Spence told Young Observer that the characters have a final scene called Judgment Day and while the scene would make people think, it was also comedic.

"And there's a scene where a bishop got caught up being a bishop that he forgot to be a shepherd," she added.

Ms Spence said the bishop eventually has to answer to God in the skit.

This family entertainment also contains families of amateur performers including a father and his two sons, and a mother and daughter team.

And although the rehearsals began in June, this production took four years to write, said Ms Spence.

In addition, she uses her ten years of production experience to tell a story about issues that face residents such as youth violence, parenting, education, politics and religion.

In addition, Ms Spence wanted to thank her corporate sponsors who "put their money where their mouth is and I think Bermuda really needs to know that".

Corporate sponsors include Bank of Bermuda, Bermuda Pest Control, Pronto Print and Bermuda Motors.

The show will begin at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Tickets are on sale at Caesar's Pharmacy and The Christian Book Store for $12 for seniors, $10 for children under 12, $20 for adults and $40 for patrons.