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Island's seniors excel at recording history

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We can best describe as most stimulating, the reception hosted by the Bermuda College in association with the Seniors Learning Centre celebrating the launch of the book Legacies.

The 163-page book highlights the work of seven first-time publishers, all seniors ranging in age from their sixties to the eighties.

The writers were on hand autographing sold copies and entertaining the nearly 200 guests with readings from their works. They seemed to light up like candles and were justifiably proud receiving the applause and congratulations in return.

The writers come from varying backgrounds and have produced a book, which after a cursory reading of Legacies, I am convinced there is something between its pages that should prove interesting to broad sections of the community, young, old or older alike. There are some revealing real-life personal stories, poetry and a bit of fiction.

It was over a year ago that seniors signed up for an eight-week course under College lecturer Rawl Fredericks. It was titled "Leave a Legacy a Written Legacy." On hand for the launching were Minister of Cultural Affairs Dale Butler; general secretary of the Bermuda Union of Teachers, Mike Charles, and president of the Seniors Learning Centre, Mrs. Dorothea Butterfield.

The reception got under way with a moment of silence observed for the late Derek Fletcher, the only male among the seven published writers. He died suddenly the same week of the launching. His son Derek attended the launching briefly after breaking away from the viewing being held concurrently for the deceased former police officer and licenced diocesan lay reader of St. Mary's Anglican Church.

Our pictures show some of the authors contributing to Legacies with their instructor (top right) Rawl Frederick and Mrs. Dorothea Butterfield, right, who is president of the Seniors Learning Centre. The seniors are Elizabeth Ann Trott, Grace P (Foggo) McCallan, Catherine Joy Smith, Jil Logan, Nea Willits and Marilynn O. Simmons. Top left: Marilynn Simmons is seated with her mother Mrs. Olivia (Cannonier) Simons, who will be celebrating her 88th birthday on October 23, Sylvia Cannonier Francis. Standing directly behind is her daughter Rhonda Simmons, Charles Grant, Dorea Cannonier Grant, Judith Butterfield sister of Marilynn, Gertie Cannonier Barker, George Francis. Back row are Marilynn's son Dr. Richmond Simmons and her husband Dr. Delmont Simmons. Middle right: Grace Foggo McCallan stands with her St. David's Island posse including her brother Edward, her pastor and wife, the Rev. Dr. Conway Simmons, Mia Foggo, Deniette, Byron and Shian McCallan. Middle top: Poet Nea Willits, second right, is with friends Kevin Comeau, Gil Nolan and Pap Noland. Nea, who is aged 83, is a writer who also plays golf and bridge as pastimes. Right: Elizabeth Trott with her mother, widow of the late renowned master carpenter George Trott, of North Shore, Pembroke.