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Diet and exercise — key to prevention

Research shows that diet and exercise are the key factors in preventing and regulating type 2 diabetes. Everyone should aim to stick to a diet very low in sugar and those at risk for developing diabetes should be especially diligent. Those at risk and those with diabetes should also be careful about the amount and type of carbohydrate they eat. It is best to eat complex carbohydrates, that is whole foods like whole wheat, brown rice and potatoes instead of white flour items and refined foods.

Reading food labels is very important in ensuring proper diet. The high sugar content of many items on the market may not be readily apparent. Energy drinks like Lucozade and Red Devil for example have very high sugar content. The popular Vitamin water drinks also have sugar.

Test your knowledge and/or instinct. Rate the following seven items for their sugar content 1 having the most sugar and 7 having the least.

Glaceau Vitamin water 20 oz

Barritts Crystal Clear Water

SoBe Green Tea 20oz bottle

Diet Coke 8 oz

Lakewood Organic Pomegrante juice 12.5 oz bottle

Lipton Original Iced Tea - Diet Lemon 16 oz

Lipton Original Iced Tea -sweetened 16 ozAnswer:

Lakewood Organic Pomegrante juice 45 gms in a 12.5 oz bottle (28 gms per 8 oz).

SoBe Green Tea 57 gms in a 20 oz bottle (23 gm per 8 oz).

Lipton Original Iced Tea -sweetened 33 gms in 16 oz bottle (17 gms per 8 oz).

Glaceau Vitamin water 32 gms in 20 oz bottle (13 gms per 8 oz).

Diet Coke, Lipton Original Iced Tea -Diet Lemon & Barritts Crystal Clear Water all have no sugar. Diet Coke does have the sugar substitute aspertame.