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Home treatment for warts works quickly

DEAR DR. GOTT: I live where mesquite are plentiful, and thorns are not unusual in legs, feet or tires. For about 10 days, I thought I had a thorn in my foot just behind the little toe on the left foot, but I couldn't see it. Finally, I had my wife look and describe it for me, and she believed it to be, instead, a plantar wart. I had some experience removing them as a Navy corpsman, 40 years ago, using a device to burn them out. I didn't want to take that drastic step yet, and then I remembered either Vicks VapoRub or duct tape as a home remedy from your column on warts. So I had my wife put a dab of VapoRub on the wart and cover it with duct tape. Five days of this and no more wart. It just fell out, and the hole closed.

DEAR READER: I have received favorable reports from readers who used Vicks or duct tape to remove warts. Your experience is somewhat unique, however, so I am publishing it for informational value.

DEAR DR. GOTT: I read your column about bruising today. I take a baby aspirin everyday to protect my heart, but red blood spots on my arms seem to be popping out frequently. My doctor looked at a few small ones and said welcome to the group. He didn't see the larger ones that are about 1 inch and the other assorted sizes. I just look down and there is a new one again. Could the aspirin be doing this? I'm 85 and have been on it for years.

DEAR READER: Aspirin causes the blood to clot more slowly. In aging folks with thin skin, aspirin can lead to spontaneous bruising.

I suggest that you request blood tests to check your clotting mechanism. But I'll wager the aspirin is to blame. If so, your physician might choose to lower the dosage.

To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report "Consumer Tips on Medicine." Other readers who would like a copy should send a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope and $2 to Newsletter, PO Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title.

DEAR DR. GOTT: Please help. I have a problem with terrible stretch marks on my sides and middle torso. I have been to many skin doctors, one after the other. They all say there is nothing that can be done. I don't believe this. Is there anything you can recommend?

DEAR READER: In my experience, women with stretch marks ¿ especially those from pregnancy can be helped by liposuction and removal of excess abdominal skin. If you have tried exercise or dietary treatments, you should be examined by a plastic surgeon. If you have yet to trim down, first try diet and exercise.

Keep in mind that most medical insurance does not cover cosmetic/elective surgery, and the procedures may be expensive.

Doctor Gott is a retired physician and the author of the new book "Dr. Gott's No Flour, No Sugar Diet," available at most chain and independent bookstores.

If readers would like to contact Dr. Gott, they may write him through your newspaper or send their mail directly to Dr. Gott c/o United Media, 200 Madison Ave., 4th fl., New York, NY 10016. However, if readers want to request a newsletter, they should write to the Ohio address.