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My dreams are the most important part of my life

A dream is defined as a sequence of images or a reverie. It is a complete shut off of the mind, where your subconscious takes over and you are allowed to be free. My dreams, however, are special. This is the place where I get to speak to my mom.

When I was about eight years old my mom went to the hospital and never came back. I was devastated, crushed, hurt and most of all mad because she was my best friend.

She always use to tell me that I had a dreamer's spirit and that I was creative and was capable of anything. She was the most beautiful, intelligent, fun person that you could ever meet. Her creativity and imagination was astounding. My fondest memory that I had with her was crawling up into her bed with her and my sister on a Sunday afternoon and taking a nap. She use to tell us that this is the time where we could do whatever we wanted or be whoever we wanted to be.

Now that I'm older there is something nostalgic about taking a nap. With or without her, I still get a warm feeling when I curl up with a huge comforter and let my mind wonder. There are the times when I get to speak to my mom.

Sometimes in my dreams we go on picnics, take trips, or simply sit and chat. It may sound weird but somehow I feel that she is still with me in these dreams. They are so clear and vibrant that I sometimes wake up with a smile on my face, as one would after having a good chat with a friend.

When I explain these dreams to my friends or my baby sister, they sometimes don't understand where I am coming from. Marilyn Monroe once said, "The nicest thing for me is sleep, then at least I can dream."

That quote epitomises me. I look forward to sleep, to my dreams, to my meetings. I feel that I have been given a gift that perhaps not everyone has the chance to have. Sometimes, when a person loses someone, they are gone forever. Sometimes the person that you lose is the person that you need the most. I'm a lucky one; I never lost her to begin with.

If you believe in a higher power, then you can ask God why he blessed me. If you believe in fate and destiny, then my karma level must be pretty high. I'm not sure why I get to see her and be with her. But I am sure of one thing; my dreams are the most important part of my life.

So, anyone, anywhere, at any time could ask me what I am thankful for and my answer would be simple. I am thankful for my dreams.