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People and charities unite for the Family Centre

Many hands reach out to support families during the holidays through the Family Centre.The Family Centre works with other community groups throughout the year to ensure that the families in their care have access to the resources that they need.At Christmas time those needs are increased but so is the generosity of our community.

Many hands reach out to support families during the holidays through the Family Centre.

The Family Centre works with other community groups throughout the year to ensure that the families in their care have access to the resources that they need.

At Christmas time those needs are increased but so is the generosity of our community.

Several generous community groups supported the families of The Family Centre this year to ensure they had groceries, toys, and a Christmas party available to needy families.

Many people came to The Family Centre for a holiday meal, games, and a visit from Santa — who had a gift for each and every child.

This year they were supported by Bermuda Junior Service League, Decorative Hardware Ltd. and the MarketPlace.

Alfred Augustus, the Salvation Army, the International Women's Club and the Better Covenant Church also all made significant donations to ensure the party was a success.

Christmas trees are provided to The Family Centre by Aberfeldy Nurseries and Sousa's Landscaping.

The trees provide decoration for the party and are given to families to take home.

Executive director Martha Dismont said: "On behalf of the families who benefit from this generosity, we say thanks. It really does take a village to support the success of families."