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ERROR RG P4 5.8.1993

cancelled a rap concert on Saturday night at Frog Lane Field, Devonshire.Devonshire Colts were not involved in any way with the promotion of the concert. We apologise for the error.

cancelled a rap concert on Saturday night at Frog Lane Field, Devonshire.

Devonshire Colts were not involved in any way with the promotion of the concert. We apologise for the error.

Hundreds of disappointed fans waited two hours before a concert was cancelled by Devonshire Colts on Saturday.

The reason for the cancellation of the Public Enemy and Isaac Hayes concert was "poor ticket sales'' -- no comfort for those people who had already paid $40 each for their entry and were on the field.

"Inclement weather'' was also blamed for the concert being axed despite the venue being under the cover of a huge tent in Frog Lane Field and the fact that very little rain actually fell.

Organisers have promised tickets will be refunded from a number of outlets around the Island.

Crowds arriving at the venue could hear a sound check from 7 p.m. until 9.30 p.m. when an announcement was made that the concert would not go ahead. One fan said that it came as a complete surprise because they could all hear the sound check.

A Police spokesman said they believed the concert was still going ahead into the late evening and that the organisers were having problems with the sound system. But he reported no complaints.

Public Enemy are one of the United States top rap bands and Isaac Hayes has been a major attraction all over the world since his hit "The Theme from Shaft.'' They had all checked out of their hotel yesterday evening.

The show was originally scheduled for the National Stadium on Friday but that was scrapped and changed to Frog Lane Field on Saturday.

But that venue has been dogged with controversy since early this year when Devonshire Colts announced they would be erecting the huge tent and holding concerts.

While they have been able to hold a couple of shows "under canvas'' promoters were forced, by public pressure, to move reggae artist Mad Cobra's show to Number One Shed on Front Street in April.

And many residents have blasted the club because of the disturbance concerts would cause.

Colts' management maintain that they have the support of the majority of local people.

A terse statement faxed by organisers yesterday read: "The concert scheduled for Frog Lane Field in Devonshire on August 31, 1993, was cancelled due to poor ticket sales and inclement weather. Refunds will be available to people who purchased tickets at the various outlets.'' The show had been expected to provide a spectacular end to the Cup Match weekend.