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Four pass CA exams

Accountants (CICA) final exam, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bermuda (ICAB) said on Friday.

Mr. Craig Ivan Bridgewater, Mr. Steven Johnson, Ms Nisha Ali Pedro and Mr.

Kenneth Andrew Richardson were honoured at an luncheon on Friday at the Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy Club.

The luncheon was sponsored by ICAB's council.

The Uniform Final Examination (UFE), set by CICA's board of directors annually, was written in September by 2,947 candidates in Canada and Bermuda and 1,621 candidates were successful.

Eight Bermudians wrote the 1995 UFE.

"Your success in passing the UFE demonstrates that you have the qualities needed to join the exciting and dynamic accounting profession in Bermuda and around the world,'' said ICAB president Mr. Tony Joaquin.

"The future of the CA profession depends on outstanding individuals such as yourselves.

"I challenge you to continue your search for knowledge that will enable you to respond to the changing economy, technology and government policies in the business environment,'' he said.

To qualify as CAs, students complete a demanding post-graduate programme and prescribed period of supervised training in practising CA offices.

Mr. Bridgewater, currently employed with Gray & Kempe, is a graduate of the Berkeley Institute and Carleton University.

He volunteers time as treasurer of Renegades Rugby Football Club and as student representative on the ICAB student affairs committee.

Mr. Johnson attended Saltus Grammar School and graduated from Queen's University.

He completed his experience requirement with Cooper & Lines and volunteers as Bermuda Radio Control Flying Club treasurer and as a light and sound technician for the Bermuda Festival and other productions. Ms Pedro attended Colegio Patrocinia de Maria in Venezuela and the Berkeley Institute.

She graduated from Acadia University and is employed by Anfossi & Butterfield and is actively involved in the Bermuda Society of Arts as its treasurer.

Mr. Richardson, employed at Scott Hunter & Co., attended Warwick Academy and is a graduate of St. Mary's University.

ICAB, with the ten Canadian provincial institutes make up CICA.

The institutes have combined overall responsibility for the CA education programme culminating in the UFE.