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Jacob's Broken Leg

Once there was a bird named Jacob who lived in beautiful Bermuda. Today was bright, warm and sunny; it was Christmas and also Jacob's birthday.

Jacob had decided to invite a few of his friends over to celebrate his birthday.

His parents had given him a trampoline for his birthday present. All of Jacob's friends arrived and started jumping on his trampoline and then something terrible happened.

The cardinal accidentally jumped on Jacob's leg and broke it.

He yelled in pain as tears came down his face. He could not move his broken leg.

The cardinal was upset over the accident and kept on apologising, but it was no use, Jacob's leg was broken.

He felt that there was nothing that anyone could say to ease the pain or make him feel better. All of his friends came together to try and help him find some animal doctor that could fix his leg.

First they went to Horseshoe Bay Beach and came upon a lizard and asked him if he could help, but the lizard said, "No, I have enough problems on my feet as it is.'' So they kept moving on.

It was getting late and his friend had to go home and leave poor Jacob all alone. He continued to struggle on feeling tired, cold and hungry. He had to get help. He tried but needed to rest. He came upon a tall palm tree and rested there.

When he awoke from his nap he did not feel much like continuing his search, but knew he had no choice.

He came next upon a kiskadee and asked for help, but all she squawked was, "No way, I do not help other with their problems.'' So Jacob just sat and began to cry and feel sorry for himself. He noticed berries nearby and felt sure he could reach them and have a good lunch. He did.

He began to wonder if he would ever use his leg again, but knew he had to keep on going. He thought there must be someone who will help him.

He felt someone looking at him and true enough it was a little field mouse.

Jacob told the whole story to the field mouse.

"I would be happy to help but, I am afraid because I am little and too small to help a bird your size she said; but try I will.'' And she was right; she was too small to even reach his head. This made Jacob feel a wee bit better for she was kind and thoughtful. "Thank you,'' said Jacob still disappointed as he went on his merry way.

Next thing he knew he was at Elbow Beach looking at a huge skink. Jacob was soon telling his story again and begging for help, saying it was very important because he didn't think he would survive much longer.

The skink replied, "Ok I will try but I am not a doctor''. So try he did but it was impossible and trotted off feeling sorry for the bird. Jacob thought he must get back home before his family missed him.

When he finally reached home his family was waiting to greet him and were very surprised to hear that the cardinal was heavy enough to break his leg. "Rest is what you need,'' said his mother. So dad helped Jacob to bed.

Jacob could not get to sleep; he was thinking how he was going to get really sick and may even die. Finally he began to drift off to sleep. Soon it was morning and Jacob hobbled out of bed and downstairs for breakfast. Berries, berries and lots of water was a good start to a day, but then the pain in his leg reminded him of getting help.

As soon as he was alone he hobbled to the ocean once again only to come upon a dolphin this time. The dolphin had heard of Jacob's story and was waiting for him to come along so that he could give him information that he had received from an old kisdadee. The kiskadee had seen a wise old turtle that lived at Southampton Princess with the same problem. This is where you need to go, said the dolphin. So Jacob traveled there.

When he arrived he went directly to the Victoria room where he found Mr.

Thorpe the turtle. Mr. Thorpe needed to hear the whole story so that he would be able to help Jacob with his injury. I had a kiskadee with the same problem, said Mr. Thorpe. I will tell you where to go and who to see. Jacob thought, oh no not again.

You will need to go down to Spicelands and see a horse named Donna Clara, she is good at treating this sort of problem.

Donna Clara was waiting for Jacob to arrive so that he could be treated right away.

She instructed him to jump upon her back so that she could wrap her tail around his broken leg like a cast. This was the magic of her tail, it helps to heal broken leg injuries.

She did a good deed for Christmas. Jacob soon recovered and became best friends with Donna Clara. they decided to open an animal hospital to help others.

Jacob, a Bermuda bird: Illustration by child artist and writer, Chelsea Hector, age 10.