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Mama mia! A new way of `surfing' up spaghetti!: St. George's cybercafe opens

Pasta Pasta St. George's customers can now order their penne, garlic bread and Caesar salad -- and surf the Web while they wait.

Or they can simply stop by and use the Internet terminals upstairs of the pasta take-out/eat-in cafe on York Street. New owner of the Old Town restaurant Leo Bascome has found a good use for the large upstairs dining area -- a cybercafe. He has installed three computer terminals with Web access upstairs and one terminal downstairs, mainly for disabled or elderly customers. The yet-to-be-determined rates will be per half hour for Internet use. General manager of the WebXS cybercafe, Brian Perry , says the service's main market will be locals in the East End and cruise ship crew and passengers.

"We discovered there was a lack of such a facility in St. George's,'' he noted, adding, "The computers are here and we hope to open WebXS within the next week.'' BUSINESS BUC