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Short story contest

Cash prizes will be presented in each of the two categories -- under 18s and adults. The winner in each section will receive $300 and the runner-up $200.

Contest is Friday, November 26.

Cash prizes will be presented in each of the two categories -- under 18s and adults. The winner in each section will receive $300 and the runner-up $200.

Two special awards of $100 will go to the authors of stories showing exceptional promise, regardless of category.

Stories must concentrate on the theme of Christmas and Bermuda. They may be up to 2,000 words long. Poems and essays are not acceptable.

Manuscripts must be typewritten on one side of the paper with double-line spacing. The full name, address and telephone number of the author must be given. Pen names will not be accepted.

Manuscripts must be submitted to The Royal Gazette clearly marked Christmas Short Story Contest, and indicating the category entered.

Stories received after the deadline of 5 p.m. Friday, November 26 will not be considered.

A panel of judges will decide winning entries and its decision will be final.

The Royal Gazette reserves the right to publish any or all of the stories submitted. Manuscripts will not be returned.