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Summer student keeps coming back to the Phoenix

Desirae Jones started working for the Phoenix Stores Ltd. at age 16 and has worked every summer since then. She is age 22 now and will return to Arcadia University at Nova Scotia to complete her degree in business administration.

"The Phoenix store has always been there for me, providing a summer job year after year. It is comforting to know my job is available,'' she said.

They depend on each other. Ms. Jones floats and works where needed. She has worked in many areas of the store and is an experienced sales associate. She remarked that everyday she learns something new. Presently she is doing the role of cash clerk in the administrative offices.

"I've been endowed with a lot of training and I enjoy working here. I have seen a lot of employees come and go over the years. The management is very good since Mr. Grundmuller's arrival in 1997. He has made a lot of positive changes, enhancements to the stores, uniforms, and now we have a fabulous new Bermuda Pharmacy,'' Ms. Jones said.

The aspect of work she most enjoys is dealing with people as customers. She also relates well to the people she works with. "I have made many good friends there, especially those there as long as me or longer.'' Ms. Jones says she is interested in a career in marketing after college and would like the opportunity to work abroad shortly after graduation.

"When I'm not working I enjoy writing letters to my school friends and keeping in touch with them. At school I study a lot. I sing in an international gospel choir, work out in the gym and attend college sports,'' she concluded with a smile.

Summer student: Desirae Jones is grateful for her job every summer.