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Taxi shortage blamed on airport chiefs

A veteran taxi driver has hit back at criticism of the trade by airport managers.And Terry Flood -- in the business for more than a quarter of a century --

A veteran taxi driver has hit back at criticism of the trade by airport managers.

And Terry Flood -- in the business for more than a quarter of a century -- said the airport managers had caused a problem with arrangements for taxi drivers while renovations were going on.

Mr. Flood added: "It's very unfair for people to be taxi-bashing like this.

Some of the problems with taxi shortage at the airport at times is caused by reconstruction -- they took away the stand for taxi drivers and corporate taxi pick-up.'' He said taxi industry warnings over the changes had been ignored -- and taxi drivers were reluctant to take expensive vehicles into the nearby dump area to wait on fares -- or pay for parking nearer the terminal.

He added: "I wonder if it's just an excuse to implement limousines and put taxi drivers out of business.

"If they gave back decent parking, they would get more cars down there.

People have had to pay sometimes to park.'' Mr. Flood also dismissed claims by Airport general manager Marshall Minors that taxis could be sitting in St. George's while people waited at the airport.

He pointed out that St. George's was a major tourism destination and local people, visitors and cruise ship passengers all required a service as well.

And he insisted: "The real problem is all the airlines drop at the same time.

Everybody rushes for a taxi at the same time -- but the airlines have said they're not willing to change their schedules.'' Mr. Flood -- who has a radio in his cab -- questioned claims that two-way contact with dispatchers could ease cab shortages.

He said: "Taxi drivers can work without a radio and serve the public just as well as a cab with a radio.'' Mr. Minors claimed that there had been instances of airline passengers having to wait 40 minutes for a cab.

But Mr. Flood said: "Everybody, everywhere, you've got to wait. You've got to wait in banks, customs, immigration. Sometimes it happens.

"I think it's wrong for people to come down on the taxi drivers because people have to wait 30 minutes occasionally.'' AIRPORT FLY