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Use these tips to have a healthy lifestyle

that prolong life from seven to 11 years on average. Persons who followed six to seven of these practices live longer than those who practice only three or less. The seven health practices are as follows: 1: Getting 7-8 hours sleep per night.

2: Eating breakfast daily.

3: Limiting snacking.

4: Avoiding alcohol, or using it in moderation.

5: Not smoking.

6: Maintaining weight at a reasonable level; and 7: Getting regular physical exercise.

Living longer is wonderful; however, what is great is having quality of life.

Feeling good, energetic, happy and content with all aspects of your life is what really matters. To achieve quality of life you must take responsibility for your own health and wellness. Know your family medical history and make the necessary adjustments to ensure that the quality of your life remains good.

If your family history includes high blood pressure, learn how to lower and control blood pressure before you are identified a having high blood pressure yourself.

Consistent blood pressure readings of 140 or more (systolic) over 90 or more (diastolic) is high. Ways to lower and control blood pressure include: 1: Achieving and maintaining a realistic weight for your height and structure.

2: Eating a diet which is: Low in fat (choose foods less than 3 gms. of fat per serving).

High in fibre (whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables).

Low in salt (fresh is best).

High in calcium (lowfat milk, dark green leafy vegetables), and High in potassium (fruits and vegetables).

3: Avoiding alcohol or using it in moderation (20 gms for women, 40 gms for men).

4: Not smoking (try-smoking classes).

5: Getting regular exercise (walking, cycling or swimming); and 6: Taking blood pressure medication when prescribed. If you experience problems, talk to your doctor for guidance, instead of just stopping the medication.

Should your family history include high cholesterol, which is identified as cholesterol readings above 240 mg/gl. Start practising ways to keep cholesterol low, which includes: Eating foods low in cholesterol and fat (especially animal or hard fats).

Maintaining a realistic weight.

Getting regular aerobic exercise.

Eating food high in fibre.

Practising stress reduction techniques; and Taking, if prescribed, cholesterol lowering medication.

By lowering your cholesterol, you can lower your risk for heart attack. These lifestyle habits will take a while to lower the cholesterol, so do not become discouraged. You have a lifetime to perfect these habits.

A family history of Type II diabetes, can lead to many complications, such as blindness, limb amputation, kidney failure and heart disease. It is best to learn as much as you can to prevent or control the high blood sugars.

Apparently, the lifestyle habits of, maintaining ideal body weight, regular physical exercise, eating foods low in fat and high in fibre, not smoking, and avoiding alcohol, help to prevent or control high blood sugars.

So get on the bandwagon and follow the seven healthy lifestyle habits for longer life and quality of life! MELLONIE BARNUM, RD HEALTH AND SOCIAL ISSUES HTH