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Volunteers needed...please!

volunteers interested in enriching the lives of others. St. Brendan's Hospital is looking for persons with time to spare to help out in any number of areas.

"I know a lot of people are unaware of the volunteer programme at St.

Brendan's,'' explained Linda Trott, the hospital's director of volunteer services. "But we have a small group of active volunteers which number approximately 60 who have come to us in different ways and are usually placed according to their talents or area of expertise. Of that 60, some are what we refer to as special event volunteers -- those persons we call upon for our annual parade, client parties, and things like that.'' The hospital, which caters to persons who suffer from mental illness and/or learning disabilities, is in need of persons willing to work in different areas, she said. "They can work in client services, which include our thrift shop, tuck shop, snack cart and weekend cart service which gives out magazines and treats donated from the community. They can also be placed in a one on one programme with our clients, which is where the bulk of our volunteers are, and where they work with the staff as part of a team in the facilitation of client care treatment. This is usually done through therapeutic services such as recreational therapy, educational therapy, occupational therapy, physio-therapy and so on.'' All volunteers must provide two character references, an interview is conducted and they must participate in an orientation programme in the service they are assigned to. Minimum age for volunteers is 15. And as such, the hospital offers a six to eight week summer programme for students as well as a day release programme, which serves as excellent exposure for those interested in the nursing field. "We also have volunteers that fall under the corporate sector,'' she added. "Those employed by organisations with a corporate volunteer day come to the hospital and donate their services. And one of the new aspects we're looking to develop and would like to know if there is any interest, is a corporate adoption programme which spirals from an adoption scheme which started in one of our community group homes. This is where an organisation could adopt a particular service or ward and assist clients in that particular area to enhance their lifestyle. "We're also looking for persons with leadership qualities who would be interested in the job coaching of clients, as well as persons interested in volunteering on the hospital's charity, the St. Brendan's Amenities committee.'' For further information, persons may contact Mrs. Trott at 236-3770. PHOTO St. Brendan's volunteers, Elizabeth Bickley (left), and Terri Leone Director of Volunteer Services at St. Brendan's, Linda Trott HEALTH HTH SUP