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Widely-used pesticide to be phased out

Health Minister Nelson Bascome told the House of Assembly on Friday that local importers would no longer be able to bring the organophosphate -- widely used to kill insects around plants --

the product.

Health Minister Nelson Bascome told the House of Assembly on Friday that local importers would no longer be able to bring the organophosphate -- widely used to kill insects around plants -- into the country because it will not be manufactured.

Diazinon will be phased out in America for indoor use from March next year, and it will be banned for all lawn, garden and turf use by the end of 2003.

But Mr. Bascome said it was still legal to buy and use Diazinon products, according to label directions and precautions.

But he added: "Consumers should take special care to always read and follow the label directions and precautions, as they should with every chemical or pesticide product.

"If consumers choose to discontinue use of Diazinon now, they should contact Works and Engineering hazardous waste disposal section for information on proper disposal.'' Diazinon is the latest organophosphate to be phased out by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Since 1996, the EPA has targeted a group of organophosphate-based pesticides for review because they pose the greatest potential risk to children relative to other pesticides that are on the market.

The EPA has secured this latest phase out agreement in talks with the manufacturer. The chemical company Syngenta has been told to either conduct rigorous testing of Diazinon to confirm its safety, at a cost of millions of dollars, or to stop production.

As a result, Syngenta has opted to halt the manufacture of it.

Mr. Bascome added: "In Bermuda, consumers are encouraged to always practice safe pest control in general.

"Pesticides are safest when used as a last, and not the first, resort.

"For further advice on pesticide alternatives or safe use of pesticides in specific circumstances, please contact the staff at the Department of Agriculture or the Department of Health.''