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A life of law and music

the helm of two very public organisations: Appleby Spurling & Kempe law firm and the Menuhin Foundation.

Mr. Campbell spent the past 31 years as a lawyer at AS&K, 27 years of which he's spent as a partner and 11 years spent as Senior Partner -- a position from which he retired earlier this month and assumed the role of Senior Counsel.

And he has been chair of the Menuhin Foundation since its creation in 1976 -- a charity whose teachers visit primary schools and provide free instruction in violin, viola and cello.

But although being a Senior Partner at a major law firm is not without it's fair share of stresses and strains, Mr. Campbell has made an effort to incorporate balance in his life -- from his immediate working environment to his involvement with the Menuhin Foundation.

His tastefully decorated office at AS&K is filled with photographs of his wife, children and home in France; he is modest about his talent for photography, noting "if you take enough photographs, sooner or later some will turn out well''.

As obviously fond as he is of his home in Provence, Mr. Campbell is clearly attached to Bermuda and AS&K, a firm which he virtually grew up in.

Although Mr. Campbell was born and raised in England, he's an "Onion'' with roots on the Island -- both great-grandmother Maria Tucker and great-grandfather Sir Joseph Outerbridge were Bermudians.

"I came to Bermuda in 1968 -- and one of the principle reasons why I left England was because I hadn't travelled very much... I thought if I didn't see some of the world soon, the opportunity would be lost,'' he noted.

"In those days, the firm was very small -- there were four partners and two young lawyers who, like myself, came from England a few years previously.

"In those days AS&K, albeit a small firm, was regarded as the other large firm on the Island -- it was regarded as the Avis to CD&P's Hertz -- and we've grown enormously since those days.

"We've developed in so many ways which also reflected the growth of Bermuda as an international business sector, since much of the firm's growth comes from the need to service international business.'' Despite many hours spent as the leader of AS&K's Trust Department, Mr.

Campbell also devoted time to the development of the Menhuin Foundation, a charity which he said "transformed the musical landscape of the Island''.

"There was very little music in the schools, and we brought in a quartet of teachers to teach in the primary schools -- now, almost all the schools have their own orchestra,'' said Mr. Campbell.

"If there's one way of bringing black and white together, music is one of the best.

"Theoretically, the Menuhin Foundation could be something much bigger and better, but it depends on our financial resources -- our major challenge is a financial one.'' Although Mr. Campbell will still remain professionally active as Senior Counsel at AS&K, he said he'll be spending a bit of time making use of his retirement gift -- a laptop computer.

"I'm determined to come to grips with the new technology, which is no longer so new anymore,'' he chuckled.

"But I am really hoping to experience a freedom of spirit... one isn't always able to enjoy a freedom of spirit, and I would like to -- if only to improve my golf handicap,'' he added with a smile.

Senior Trust: John Campbell, Senior Counsel at AS&K.