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A wish list for helping hands

This is a very special letter and we hope you'll take time to read it carefully, because its contents are important to so many.

Certainly it is very different from the usual letters you receive at this time of year because we don't want computer games, bikes or puppies.

Instead, we are the people who brighten lives, human and animal, and in some cases we actually save them. We are men and women, Bermudian and non-Bermudian, young and not so young, black and white, and of all faiths and creeds.

We are children's and senior citizens' organisations, and the ones who work with the disadvantaged. We give support to the orphaned, comfort to the sick and dying, cheer to the lonely, help to the physically abused, and shelter to the battered and abandoned. We also work with animals, giving them food, treatment and new homes.

In short, we are the helping hands of Bermuda, and we love what we do throughout the year but our work is not always easy because our needs are always greater than our resources. Like everyone else, when Christmas comes around we hope that the season of goodwill will touch all hearts and translate into real help for those we serve.

If the list seems long it is because, in these increasingly expensive times, those needing our assistance are growing in number, and we find we cannot meet all of their needs without more help.

If you cannot bring us everything we wish for, we would be thrilled to receive something because everything really makes a difference to the lives we touch throughout the year.

Thank you, dear Santa.

The Bargain Box: We would welcome a cash register -- nothing fancy, just something that all our volunteers can use. Our previous register is dead! Please call Mrs. Penny Powell at 292-4324 with good news. We also need volunteers, we never have enough. Opening days are: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We're grateful for whatever time you can spare.

Bermuda Feline Assistance Bureau (BFAB): We would welcome cat food, towels, food bowls, and litter trays, as well as pet supplies which are no longer needed. We also require more volunteers to feed the cat colonies, to foster kittens, and collect neutered cats from the veterinarians. Donations to fund our work are always needed. Cheques made payable to us should be mailed to P.O. Box WK 91, Warwick WKBX. Any further questions? Telephone 291-1737.

Bermuda Red Cross: Our immediate need is for 1500 sq. ft. of space for our Hospital Rental Equipment Department. Volunteers are always needed to serve in the following ways: Disaster Co-ordinator; Transport Co-ordinator; drivers to take people to physiotherapy, doctor's appointments and dialysis; man the Hospital Equipment Rental Department in the old hospital building; health and safety instructors; nurses for the Blood Donor Centre; reactivate the Junior Red Cross. We would also welcome speakers for our monthly general meetings. If you can help in any way, please call Mrs. Ann Spencer-Arscott at 236-8253.

Bermuda Society for the Blind: We need funds to keep us going, and volunteers so we can have more sales of our work. Please mail your donations to us at Beacon Street, Hamilton HM 12.

Brangman Home: We would appreciate any or all of the following: three counter stools, a toaster oven, a blender, Corelle unbreakable plates, bowls and cups.

Please call supervisor Mrs. Lynette Webb at 292-3699 if you can help.

Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Bermuda: We need four PCs (networked) and a shredder. Our secretary needs a chair, and we would love to have a digital camera. Office co-ordinator Diane Murray hopes to hear from you at 292-2802.

Devonshire Rest Home: Our male and female residents would appreciate toiletries most of all. Suggestions include: disposable razors, shaving cream, alcohol, tooth paste, mouth wash, soap, powder, bubble bath, toilet water, peroxide -- anything related to personal hygiene. We also need 24 face cloths, and our ladies would welcome knee-high stockings. A microwave would also be warmly welcomed. Items can be delivered to the home at 3 Long Range Hill, Devonshire (just off the North Shore Road near the new condominiums) marked for the attention of Mrs. Helena Brice, matron. For further information telephone 292-1378.

Fair Havens Christian Care Association: We are moving to new premises in the New Year where we will have 18 single beds. Since we will be starting from scratch, we need new bed linen -- pillows, sheets and pillow cases -- as well as towels, face cloths, and a good supply of toiletries (soap, shampoo, powder, tooth brushes, lotion). We also require a good set of cutlery for 18, as well as kitchen utensils. To arrange delivery of your donations contact: executive director Caron Assan at 295-2319, board chairman Sandra Bain at 295-5354, or project architect Mark Benoit at 292-5722.

Friends of Hospice: We would like donations towards the purchase of mini blinds and curtains, bedspreads and bedside lamps would be appreciated. Please make cheques payable to Friends of Hospice and either mail them to Suite 124, 48 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton HM 11, or drop them off at Agape House, Point Finger Road, Paget. Need further information? Then telephone Co-ordinator Mrs.

Kim Burns at 239-2025.

Hope Homes: Since we have no way of transporting goods and equipment, a van or light truck would be extremely useful. It doesn't have to be brand new, but it must at least be in good condition. We also require exterior latex paint in white or peach. Looking forward to your call is Mrs. Ellen Douglas at 292-7206.

Hospitals Auxiliary of Bermuda (Pink Ladies): We urgently need many more volunteers who are willing to give us just two and one half hours help a week.

We also need a laser colour printer to link to our computer as the present one is barely alive! Executive secretary Ms Lena Ostroff awaits your call at 236-2488.

Lady Cubitt Compassionate Association (LCCA): Our wish is that the public not only gives generously to our annual Christmas appeal, but maintains the same generosity of spirit in the new millennium. We wish everyone a very happy and healthy festive season. Donations should be mailed to us at P.O. Box HM 64, Hamilton HMAX.

Lefroy House: We need volunteers in three areas: 1. To assist with activities for the residents for about two hours a day between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. 2. To feed the residents at meal times. 3. Anyone with a community service vehicle license to drive the residents' vehicle. While experienced volunteers for activities and feeding are preferred, we would be more than happy to train willing pairs of hands. Please contact administrator Mrs. Rosheena Masters at 234-0525 if you can help.

Meals on Wheels: For our kitchen we need an electric knife sharpener, cook books for (a) Special diets (e.g. low fat, diabetic, etc.), and (b) Cooking for large numbers. We also require some hand can openers (twisty handle variety), full length white aprons, and dish towels. In addition, we need volunteers for approximately two hours a day to work in the kitchen (cooking, washing dishes), as well as drivers and helpers to assist with deliveries. We deliver on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please call 236-1815 for further information.

Packwood Home: We would really appreciate three Buxton chairs (available from the Medical House), or donations towards their cost. We would like a video camera to record special events and activities, as well as being able to record progress of residents on rehabilitation to show to their families. We would also like a 35mm camera (nothing too fancy, but not disposable) for snapshots. We need two linen trolleys, and CDs of Big Band music, as well as videos of old-time movies. Our residents also enjoy children's videos, such as Prince of Egypt and The Lion King. Please call matron Miss Adriann Tucker at 234-1459.

Patients' Assistance League & Service (PALS): Please respond to our annual appeal. Donations are always needed to support the work we do with our patients. Our mailing address is: P.O. Box DV 19, Devonshire DV BX.

Pembroke Rest Home: May we please have two or three volunteers to drive eight of our residents to see the Boat Parade on December 18? For a recently renovated bedroom, the three male residents would like new bedspreads (single bed size) with co-ordinating curtains for three windows (telephone the matron for specific details). For our Christmas stockings, toiletries for men and women, as well as candy would be wonderful -- and of course larger sized toiletries are always welcome. Matron Mrs. Julia Dears eagerly awaits your call at 292-1864. To deliver your gifts: we're directly opposite the new playground on Parson's Road, Pembroke.

A wish list for local charities Physical Abuse Centre: Following renovations, we need the following: a freezer, a microwave, some room heaters, a television, cutlery and dinnerware.

Items may be dropped off at our office headquarters in the former Woodlands School at Mount Hill, Pembroke. Please telephone 292-4366 for further information.

Salvation Army: We need donations to help us fund the following projects: 1.

Renovation of our Harbour Light property on King Street to accommodate more clients in desperate need of our alcohol and drug addiction programmes.

Approximate cost: $150,000. 2. The development of a camp for young people, underprivileged children, and clients on various programmes, as well as seniors. Please call Divisional Commander Major Woody Hale at 292-0601 for further information.

Senior Islanders' Club: We would love a wind-out awning, 20 to 24 ft. long, to protect seniors in bad weather when they drive up to our headquarters, and in summer to provide shade as we have just had a Garden of Remembrance installed at the front of our premises. While a new awning is best, a second hand one in really good condition would also be acceptable. Our present awning is broken, and it was a great asset to our seniors. Contact Rev. Fred Hassell or Mr.

Winston Minors at 295-9094 if you can help.

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA): We welcome donations of tinned and dry cat and dog food, towels, bedding material, collars and leashes, dog and cat toys. For forthcoming renovations we need: rollers and brushes, as well as paint (call us for colour details). In addition, we require a walk-on scale, which costs approximately $2000. We will happily accept donations towards its purchase, but if someone wants to donate outright, we won't refuse! And of course we always need donations to fund our overall operation. Our contact number is: 236-7333.

St. Brendan's Hospital: We urgently need household furnishings (including furniture) for our clients' four residential homes, as well as furniture for the hospital's lounge. A computer is also much needed, as are volunteers to serve on the hospital's Amenities Committee -- the body responsible for raising funds to meet our clients' needs. Volunteers Director Mrs. Linda Trott will provide specific details on all our needs so please call her at 236-3770.

Summerhaven Trust: We would be very grateful for a commercial dryer. Please call Mrs. Ianthia Wade at 293-2099 for further information.

Sunshine League: Our first wish is for an abacus to help the children with their maths. Our second wish is for a blender. For our grounds, we really need a lawnmower, and would love a gift certificate to Aberfeldy Nurseries for seedlings. Other wishes are for a computer scanner, board games, books for all levels of reading, educational materials for boys aged eight to 15, serving dishes, and a chafer. Please call Mrs. Jennifer Burgess at 292-4360 to arrange delivery.

Westmeath: Our wishes are many and varied -- but hopefully so are the kind souls who will respond! Specifically we need: Pretty teacups and saucers for tea time. Two commercial toasters (urgent!). Persons (group or club) willing to "adopt'' our front flower beds and shrubs, and keep them permanently "blooming lovely.'' Volunteer drivers to (a) Take residents to town, the doctor or hospital on short notice (b) Take residents to evening theatre dress rehearsal performances. (c) Take residents for a drive. Hairdressers to give hair-do's and manicures in our nursing wing. Help with feeding patients at meal times. People to read and/or talk to patients. If you can help with any of our wishes, please contact matron Jenny Gibson at 295-2451.

Windreach Bermuda Trust: For our Recreational Village we would really welcome: a piano (second hand is fine), a sound system, one year's feed for our mascot donkey, Eeyore, two barbecues, and an additional 10 feet to our sensory trail.

Please call executive director Mrs. Marian Sherratt at 238-2469 for further details.