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Agape House holds annual conference

Conference at Elbow Beach Hotel next Thursday and Friday, May 11 and 12.The subject of this year's meeting, sponsored by Bermuda's Friends of Hospice is "Comfort and Care.'' Agape hospice co-ordinator Mrs.

Conference at Elbow Beach Hotel next Thursday and Friday, May 11 and 12.

The subject of this year's meeting, sponsored by Bermuda's Friends of Hospice is "Comfort and Care.'' Agape hospice co-ordinator Mrs. Hilary Soares is hoping for a good turnout from people involved in palliative care at the two-day meeting, which includes a pre-conference reception at Bacardi International on May 10 and a banquet at Cafe Lido on May 12.

Dr. Yasin Khan, pain specialist from Lehigh Valley Hospital in Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Gloria Murrant, director of volunteers at the Casey House AIDS Hospice in Toronto will be the keynote speakers.

Others participating will include local family practitioner Dr. Eugene Harvey, consultant urologist Dr. Charles Dyer, retired anaesthetist Dr. Virgil Wright, consultant Dr. Robert Vallis, Public Health AIDS nurse Mrs. Gaylia Landry, ICTN Training Officer Mrs. Barbara Astwood, medical social worker Mrs.

Jacqueline Basden and facilitator Mrs. Marionette DeShields from Agape House Nursing Staff.

Mrs. Soares points out that RNs (Registered Nurses) may use the conference hours for "Proof of Education'' for the Bermuda Nursing Council Registration.

Registration fee for the conference is $125 (cheque payable to Friends of Hospice) and should be mailed to Agape House, PO Box 1023, Hamilton HM DX.

Registrations, which includes the reception, coffee, lunches and banquet, may be telephoned to 239-2025 or Fax 236-5342.