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Award scheme leaders visit

administrators from the Caribbean region who have come to advise local participants and leaders.Mr. David Clarke, the Caribbean and Atlantic Regional Consultant, and Ms Denise Mortimer, the National Director of the Scheme in the Bahamas,

administrators from the Caribbean region who have come to advise local participants and leaders.

Mr. David Clarke, the Caribbean and Atlantic Regional Consultant, and Ms Denise Mortimer, the National Director of the Scheme in the Bahamas, will be conducting meetings and presentations this week.

They will also assist those planning gold level expeditions who wish to participate in Caribbean expeditions this summer.

The first of three conferences at the Department of Youth, Sport and Recreation took place on Saturday. The theme was "Preparing Young Adults to Serve Their Community''.

At 7 p.m. today, the advisors will meet with local Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme participants, their parents and leaders to discuss requirements for gold award expeditions.

On January 30 at 10.30 a.m., Mr. Clarke will conduct a leaders' training course with new and potential leaders of the Scheme.

CHARITY DIRECTORY NEEDS SUBMISSIONS CLB Charity directory needs submissions The Committee on Philanthrophy has extended the submission deadline for its upcoming Directory of Registered Charities, to allow more non-profit organisations to submit information on their activities.

Committee spokesperson Ms Nancy Smythe said the directory is expected to provide information to donors and grantmakers; people who can influence contributions; community volunteers; and those who are seeking help themselves.

The Committee also hopes to find a sponsor to cover most production costs so it can be distributed free or for a low price.

Any non-profit organisations interested in appearing in the Directory of Registered Charities should contact the Committee on Philanthropy for more information by calling 292-5320, or faxing 292-3677.

MAN THREW BIKE INTO THE OCEAN CTS Man threw bike into the ocean A man stole a cycle for its two tires and tossed the rest into the sea, a magistrate was told on Friday.

Neville James Woods, 24, of Cooks Hill Road, Sandys, admitted stealing a Yamaha auxiliary cycle between November 27 and December 2.

Police Sgt. Peter Giles said a woman parked the cycle outside the public washrooms on Victoria Street and returned to find it missing.

Woods took the cycle to Somerset, placed the wheels on his own bike, and threw the frame and engine into the sea, Sgt. Giles said.

Sentencing is on February 5.

LIGHTHOUSE CLOSED GVT Lighthouse closed The Gibbs Hill Lighthouse will be closed to the public for two weeks next month for a little sprucing up.

The Department of Marine and Ports' annual interior repainting and redecorating of the tourist attraction will take place from February 1 until February 14.