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Berkeley students try `A Raisin in the sun'

play, "A Raisin in the Sun'' for their annual drama production this weekend.Fourth year speech and drama students will supply three members of the cast, with the others working backstage on lighting and props.

play, "A Raisin in the Sun'' for their annual drama production this weekend.

Fourth year speech and drama students will supply three members of the cast, with the others working backstage on lighting and props. Additional parts will be played by students from other parts of the school.

The leading role of Walter will be played by 15-year old Glenn Jones, making his acting debut. Glenn, who hopes to make a career in journalism, has been described by his teacher as being " very easy to direct and excellent'' in the part.

For Rickeesha Binns, who takes on the role of the mother, it will be her second appearance onstage. She acted in Mrs. Durham-Thompson's play, "Danielle's Choice'', last year and, she says, "got the theatre bug!'' Also in the cast is Sjoniece Fox, who was the overall winner in the 1992 Festival for the Advancement of the Performing Arts.

Speech and drama teacher Mrs. Shangri-La Durham Thompson says that she has been pleased with the rehearsals so far. "They are a good group to work with and are very committed.'' She says the entire Fine Arts section of Berkeley will be involved in this year's show.

"One night we will have the choir, under Eustace Jones and the school band under the direction of John Woolridge. Then the Art Department, headed by Jerome Stovell are hoping to have an art display in the foyer.'' Assisting with the production will be drama coaches Richard Webber and Sharon Parris. Stage manager will be Gladstone Thompson, while Eustace Jones is the coordinator. In addition, there will be two student directors, Kuane Smith and Khalid Muhammed.

"A Raisin in the Sun'' will be performed in the Samual David Robinson Memorial Hall of Berkeley Institute on Friday and Saturday, March 19 and 20 at 7.30 p.m. All proceeds will go to the School Fund.

REHEARSAL -- Students of Berkeley Institute pictured during a rehearsal for `A Raisin in the Sun'. Pictured (back row, left to right) are: Jason Outerbridge and Tanisha Taylor and (front row, left to right) Glenn Jones, who takes on the leading role of Walter, Rickeesha Binns as his mother and, looking on, Sjoniece Fox and Devaune Ratteray.