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Big rise in assaults against women

and September with 31 victims contacting the Women's Resource Centre.That is more than five times the number of physical abuse victims in the previous two months. In June and July there was a total of only six cases.

and September with 31 victims contacting the Women's Resource Centre.

That is more than five times the number of physical abuse victims in the previous two months. In June and July there was a total of only six cases.

It is also a significant increase from last August and September, when 12 women needed urgent counselling and legal advice after being assaulted.

Women's Resource Centre Chairman, Penny Dill, said the Centre helped women who had been physically or indecently assaulted including many who were the victims of domestic violence.

She said the vast majority of women who came to the Centre for help were attacked by someone they knew, often their husband or boyfriend.

Although it was now only October, the Centre had already given assistance to 87 women in 1998 -- more than the entire number helped last year which was just 80, Mrs. Dill said.

"Luckily we have only had five serious sexual assaults so far this year. In 1997 there were nine.'' She said many women were not willing to make an official report of their attack or proceed with court action so police figures were not as comprehensive.

Four additional women were stalked during August and September, and were not included in the figures.

"These figures only include women who are victims of a physical assault.

Usually each month we also have cases where women fear for their lives or are terrified for their children because they are being stalked,'' she said.

"The new domestic violence and stalking legislation has had an impact and more women are coming forward. Even taking that into consideration this is a huge jump and it is worrying.'' Mrs. Dill warned women not to become complacent, particularly when entering an empty house or returning to their car.

"The sun is going down earlier now so more women will be caught out when it's still dark. They should be aware of their surroundings at all times.

"And this applies to both residents and tourists. Anyone can be a victim.'' A Police spokesman said women did not always report assaults, particularly when the attacker was someone they knew well, so official figures had not reflected the significant increase.

"But obviously all women should always be alert for any danger,'' he said.

He advised any woman who was assaulted to contact Police as early as possible, particularly if she was the victim of a sexual attack.