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Carolling time is here!

featuring a choir of teachers, students, parents and friends from the Saltus Grammar School and St. John's Church.

The choir will perform a range of carols and also lead the audience in traditional yuletide favourites.

And it will be directed by Saltus music department head, Ruth Henderson and the organist John Drew of ACE Insurance.

The Saltus Brass Ensemble under direction of Saltus teacher Alan Furness, will accompany the carols. Also performing will be the Saltus Woodwind Ensemble, directed by Lisa Maule and "Consorted Effort'', an a capella group.

"The Christmas concert is our way of spreading good cheer at the start of the holiday season,'' Mrs. Henderson said.

She added: "We are always pleased when members of the public join us, especially when the come to sing.'' The concert begins at 7.30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased from either the school or the church, Opus 1 and at the door. Adults are $15 and $7.50 for children and senior citizens.

*** Bermudians looking for the blues should fly to the island of St. Croix in the new year.

On Wednesday, January 10 the island will set the stage for the Caribbean's first Blues Festival. The award winning Ultimate Rhythm and Blues Cruise will dock for a day in Fredriksted, delivering many of the top blues artists in the world to the sunny island aboard the SS Atlantic cruise ship.

The festival will be held at Frederiksted's Paul E. Joseph Stadium.

Seven bands will perform more than eight hours of music.

Tickets for the festival are on sale and are $15 in advance and $20 at the gate. For more information contact Charle Campbell by (809) 773-0878.