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Coin drive boosts cancer charity

recent coin drive, for a total of $15,237.73 in change, which will go to support the cancer charity P.A.L.S.

The coin drive ran during the first week of May and involved 48 companies, 11 schools, 14 nursery schools and four grocery chains.

Each of the participants agreed to have a bucket placed on their premises for the collection of loose change.

When the buckets were filled they were taken to the Bank of Bermuda where they were counted.

BJSL president Verna Smith, speaking at a cocktail reception held by ACE Group of Companies, thanked the participants for their generous contributions to the worthy cause.

In accepting the check, P.A.L.S. chief executive officer Ann Smith-Gordon expressed her gratitude on behalf of the charity and stated that the funds would be used to benefit the needy families affected by cancer.

The BJSL project's chair Lorri Lewis announced that 1,123 dollar coins, 9,666 quarters, 38,914 dimes, 35,088 nickels, 186,211 pennies and $690 in cash was collected during the coin drive.