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Community education has it all

Check out the classes being offered in the Community Education Development Programme offered by the Ministries of Community Services and Education. The programme lists a wide variety of classes to suit all tastes.

Everything from home repair to ballroom dancing, tiling to sewing is being offered this year.

Anyone interested in taking part in a ten-week course should be aware that the registration deadline is this Friday.

Registration can be done at: The Warwick Community Education Office at the Old Warwick Post Office Building on 72 Middle Road from 9 to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 4.45 p.m. on Friday; The St. George's Community School office located on Texas Road, Southside St.

David's (behind Clearwater Middle School) from 9 a.m. to 4.45 p.m. and 6 to 7.45 p.m. Monday-Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 4.45 p.m.; Sandys Secondary Middle School during regular school hours; and The Bermuda Library on Queen Street, Hamilton from noon to 2.30 p.m.

There is also a drop-off box located at the Warwick Community Education Office for after hours.

236-0829 (Warwick Community Educational School), 297-0007 (St. George's Community School) and 234-1346 (Sandys Community School) *** The Prison Fellowship of Bermuda recently helped dozens of children with its Back to School Programme.

The programme annually supplies the children of incarcerated parents with essential school items, such as shoes and backpacks, to start the new year.

Funds for the project were raised through the runners in the Bermuda Day Marathon and the annual Slimathon -- which is scheduled for Lent in 1999.

This year over 40 children where helped by the programme.

*** A copy of `Masterworks Bermudiana Collection' has been accepted by the William Morris Hunt Memorial Library at the prestigious Boston Athenaeum.

Masterworks director Tom Butterfield told The Royal Gazette that John Woolsey, a visitor to the Island, had been very impressed with both the collection and the book.

"We understand that he bought several copies of the book, one of which he wished to present to the library,'' he said. "We have just been advised that the Athenaeum, which forms part of the Museum of Fine Arts, has accepted the gift.'' The `Bermudiana Collection', with text written by The Royal Gazette's Patricia Calnan, and lavishly illustrated with colour plates, was published by The Bermudian in 1994.

"We were very gratified to get this news,'' said Mr. Butterfield, "as the library is one of the most important institutions of its kind in the US. We consider their acceptance of our book as quite an honour.''