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Dill grateful for `words of support'

supported him throughout his period of illness.Mr. Dill suffered a small stroke two weeks ago but is expected to fully recover.

supported him throughout his period of illness.

Mr. Dill suffered a small stroke two weeks ago but is expected to fully recover.

He said:"Many of you will know that I have been away from the House for the past two weeks. The reason for my absence is that I suffered a small stroke.

It was, I must say, a frightening and disorienting experience.

"My doctors tell me that I am expected to make a full recovery, which apparently is unusual in such cases. I am told I will be back to 100 percent in short order.'' Mr. Dill, who heads the Education and Human Affairs ministries, left Bermuda on Budget Day. He reportedly appeared weak as he prepared to board a Delta Air Lines flight to Boston with his wife, Jannell.

The tests, believed to be purely a precautionary measure, followed a scare when Mr. Dill became ill while playing tennis on Valentine's Day weekend.

Meanwhile, Mr. Dill who was speaking during the morning session of Parliament, thanked God, his wife, Dr. Wilbert Warner, Dr. Ewart Brown, Dr. James King and the ambulance team that responded to his rescue at the tennis court where he fell ill.

He added:"...it has been said that the strength of a community is best measured in times of adversity and that any community worthy of the name needs to encompass, above all, the values of acceptance, tolerance, compassion and forgiveness.

"As a result of the past two weeks, I can confirm to this House that the Bermuda community is entirely worthy of the name.'' House coverage continues in tomorrow's paper