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Facts about smoking that you should know:

2. Stay active. Exercising and participating in sports is nearly impossible if you smoke cigarettes.3. Stay informed. Young smokers are 100 times more likely to smoke pot and become addicted to other illicit substances such as heroin and cocaine.

in the US.

2. Stay active. Exercising and participating in sports is nearly impossible if you smoke cigarettes.

3. Stay informed. Young smokers are 100 times more likely to smoke pot and become addicted to other illicit substances such as heroin and cocaine.

4. Be aware of the risks. Smoking can lead to many physical problems, including emphysema, heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

5. Keep your edge. Smoking makes you smell bad, gives you bad breath, makes your fingers turn yellow, and gives you premature wrinkles.

6. Play it safe. Experimenting with smoking could lead to full-fledged addiction and a lifetime of trying to quit.

7. Do the smart thing. Smoking puts your health and the health of those around you at risk.

8. Get with the programme. Smoking isn't "in'' anymore.

9. Find ways to reduce anxiety. Smoking may actually contribute to your state of agitation.

10. Be a real friend. If you know someone who smokes, be part of the solution.

Urge your friend to get help and quit.