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Family feuds over who has best Christmas tree

Bermuda is full of traditions, and for the Anderson family, Christmas means it is tree-decorating competition time.

The family has gathered for the past ten years to see whose tree shines brightest in competitive family festivities.

Around Thanksgiving time, the family decides upon a theme, and this year's was "the sea''.

They then decorate their trees and earlier this week they gathered at the house of the previous year's winner for a celebration when this year's winners -- mother and daughter Susie and Asha Greaves -- were revealed.

Judges are family friends who decide the winners of categories such as most beautiful, best effort, best interpretation of the theme, and best overall, for which a trophy is awarded.

Last year's winner of best overall tree was Francine Trott of St. George's who said: "The family is very competitive and we take this very seriously.'' Last year's theme was the millennium, and Mrs. Trott explained she decorated three trees using all the ornaments she had used in the past.

Eleven households comprising more than 50 family members enjoyed the festivities on Wednesday which included food, games, and the joy of spending time with family at Christmas.