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Ferry passengers have chance to speak out

the service. A public meeting is to be held next month for Warwick and Paget riders as Marine And Ports unveil their possible plans for the service.

It is expected that the evening service will be dropped or reduced, as officials explain how the changes will hopefully improve the existing schedule. During the daytime, the two boats running could be replaced by just one vessel, and the Belmont stop could be cut from the schedule.

And a suggestion from one West End commuter, that the evening Warwick boat be used for Somerset, was taken on board by assistant director Mike Dolding.

Karen Skiffington, who sits on a ferry users committee, believes an underused ferry on the Warwick route could be switched to provide a night-time service to the West End.

And she believes a ferry that left Hamilton at 6.15 p.m. would attract customers who work in city shops or offices.

Mr. Dolding said a plan had been presented to Transport Minister Dr. Ewart Brown to alter the Paget and Warwick routes.