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Festival hit by resignations

than two months in the job.And Joe Gibbons, who took on the post of fundraiser at the same time, has also left the organisation.

than two months in the job.

And Joe Gibbons, who took on the post of fundraiser at the same time, has also left the organisation.

Mr. Hodgson, Editor of The Mid-Ocean News , was recruited as director after the entire management board resigned in October. They stepped down in protest over BIFF trustees' refusal to hire a full-time administrator for the trouble-plagued event.

Mr. Hodgson said last night that work commitments made it impossible to devote the time needed to ensure this year's festival was a success.

He added: "The Film Festival deserves somebody who can give more time to what is a very worthy, but time-consuming, undertaking.'' And he said: "I wish them all the best for the future.''