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Getting hitched on Valentine's Day

to also become man and wife.It seems many people get engaged on this particular day and a year later, if February 14 falls on the weekend, that is the day they get married.

to also become man and wife.

It seems many people get engaged on this particular day and a year later, if February 14 falls on the weekend, that is the day they get married.

The wedding may have a Valentine's theme with red hearts and red dresses or it may not. But there is no doubt that the day brings with it an extra feeling of love and romance.

Owner of the Wedding Salon, Barbara Whitecross, said one reason people like to get married on Valentine's Day is because it is an easy day to remember "but the most important reason is because it is a romantic day.'' She added: "We have five weddings on that day this year but last year we had none. We also have quite a lot of weddings surrounding Valentine's. It is a busy day.'' Ms Whitecross also said people chose this particular day because it is the first day of the year that reminds you of love.

"When you think of love you think of Valentine's Day and some people get engaged on that day which, in fact it seems to be more popular to get engaged on Valentine's than to get married.

"When decorating for a Valentine's Day wedding some brides will use hearts as a theme. A lot of the bridesmaids dresses are in red this year.

"It is really a happy time and people like to get married on a holiday and people like getting married on Saturdays.'' Christina Johnson and Vernal Cann will be one of the five saying their "I do's'' this Saturday. They did not set out to get married on Valentine's Day, but the date just sort of fell into place.

"After I realised the date I chose was Valentine's Day I guess I thought my fiancee would never be able to forget our anniversary. This way I'm guarantee to get some flowers,'' Christina said jokingly.

"I really just browsed through the calender and I needed a winter month because in the summer it would be too hot.

"It was hard because Vernal wanted a later month like May until he realised it might be too hot.'' Christina added that to her Valentine's Day was not always a special day to her.

"I didn't always get things but now that it will be my anniversary it will probably make the day more special.'' Rossette Dowling will marry Melvin Simmons and the reason she picked February 14 was not because it is a designated romantic day but because it was the closest date to February 11 when the two met.

"We picked Valentine's Day because when we first got together it was February 11 but that date this year is a weekday so we picked the Saturday which happened to be Valentine's Day,'' Rossette said.

She admitted that being Valentine's Day does make the fact that she is getting married a little more special "because it is a day for lovers and people put that day aside to show their love. That is the day that people shine although they should their love everyday. People do a little extra on Valentine's Day.'' Catarina Medeiros and Michael DaCosta deliberately picked Valentine's Day to wed because of the day's connotations.

"We had a couple of other dates in mind but I choose Valentine's Day to get married because it is a day for lovers. It has always been a special day and now it will be more special,'' Catarina said.

She added: "Everybody celebrates that day to express their love for one another and that is why I picked it, to express to Michael how much I love him.'' Also predicting that after Saturday Valentine's Day will bring even more gifts Catarina said: "Now I will get two gifts -- he won't be able to say he forget Valentine's.'' She also said that planning to marry on Valentine's Day did cause a little problem.

"It was hard to get a florist for the wedding because of Valentine's Day because of the fact that everyone sends flowers. Fortunately, I found a person who does flower arranging from her home, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have any flowers.'' A DAY FOR LOVERS -- Valentine's Day will also be the wedding anniversary for Christina Johnson and Vernall Cann after they exchange vows on Saturday.