Heat's no impediment to midsummer planting
well-deserved attention on your yard and garden.
Although the heat of summer is fully upon us, recent rainfall has gone a long way to restoring life back into your garden.
It's also the perfect time to get in a second planting of perrennial favourites, which should be ready for harvest by the first gales of November.
And if you wish to add something to your garden over the holiday weekend, the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries recommends you plant the following plants during the month of July, as long as you have a plentiful supply of water on hand: Vegetables such as beans, carrots, cucumber, squash and tomato.
Flowers such as amaranthus, balsam, calendula, celosia, coreopsis, cosmos, gaillardia, gazania, globe amaranth, holly hock, marigold, portulaca, rudbeckia, vinca and zinnia.