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Hold-out judge backs pageant

to give her backing to the pageant.Sen. Gordon, Minister of Youth, Sport and Recreation, had been the most outspoken of the judges in the controversy following the show.

to give her backing to the pageant.

Sen. Gordon, Minister of Youth, Sport and Recreation, had been the most outspoken of the judges in the controversy following the show.

After furious onlookers protested at the result, she asked to see how her scores had been used in the selection process.

Now, after examining evidence from show organiser Mr. Terry Smith, she has signed a form endorsing the pageant.

"My concern was that I was being asked to sign a document that I had not verified,'' she said. "I am now satisfied that the numbers that I had written were transferred to the accumulator sheet according to the way I had written them.

"I am satisfied that the area of concern I had is now taken care of.'' But she added: "I didn't sit down and work out anybody else's scores, or work out how they got to the final total.'' Sen. Gordon said she would not get involved in another beauty pageant. "I think this whole thing has got a little bit out of hand.'' Mr. Smith now appears to have endorsements from all five judges, or agreements that they will sign. Some have been off the Island.

But last week all 18 of the disappointed contestants, who dispute the selection of insurance underwriter Miss Dianna Mitchell, launched a legal battle against him.

They have demanded he resign from the pageant by tomorrow or face court action.

At the centre of the dispute is the way Mr. Smith says contestants' scores were accumulated through the pageant, instead of being awarded purely on the final stage performance.