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Hospice head is woman of the year

A story in Thursday's newspaper about Mrs. Hilary Soares being named Woman of the Year by the Business and Professional Women's Association incorrectly reported the year she arrived in Bermuda. She came to Bermuda in 1963.

Caring for the living and the dying are major concerns of Bermuda's 1993 Woman of the Year.

Mrs. Hilary Soares was chosen by the Business and Professional Women's Association for her long-standing commitment to the community.

Mrs. Soares is hospice co-ordinator at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and founded the Patients Assistance League and Service for community cancer care.

Her work has persuaded many people to part with time and cash to help PALS and the hospice.

The annual award was presented on Tuesday night by the BPWA.

Mrs. Soares learned nursing during four years training in Oxford, England. She arrived in Bermuda in 1979 to work at the hospital in various jobs including oncology service co-ordinator, tutor registrar, tumour conference secretary, chemotherapy administrator and cancer councillor over 10 years.

In 1980 she helped found PALS, a group which enables cancer patients to continue to live at home.

Between 1983-7 she became co-ordinator and lecturer on geriatric aide, helping to run a course on the subject at the Bermuda College.

In 1990 Mrs. Soares became the administrator of Bermuda's first hospice, to work in conjunction with PALS. A year ago she co-founded the Bermuda Family Stroke Association with Mr. Mark Selley.

She has been awarded Rotary's Paul Harris Fellowship Award, the Lioness International Melvyn Jones Fellowship Award and the Queen's Certificate and Badge of Honour.

Mrs. Soares says she wants to make palliative care for the dying a health care service for all Bermudians and their families a reality.

And she is reviewing the needs of orphan children in Bermuda hoping to find a solution to their plight.