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In case of low blood sugar...

shock, can usually be prevented by following a diabetes management plan of meals, activity, management and testing. Low blood sugar can happen to anyone who is taking insulin or diabetes pills. The most common causes are: Taking too much diabetes medicine Eating meals or snacks at the wrong time Skipping or not finishing meals or snacks Getting more exercise than usual When one's blood sugar level is too low, one may feel shaky, become sweaty, feel tired, feel hungry, become crabby or confused or have a rapid heartbeat.

Sugar will raise one's blood sugar level faster than other foods, according to leading pharmaceutical, Eli Lilly, represented locally by Med Tech International. The company advises that if you feel that your blood sugar level may be low, first test your blood. If it is at a level lower than the optimum level set by your doctor, eating sugar immediately is essential. If unable to test your blood sugar level, eat something that contains sugar anyway.

"When in doubt, it's safer to eat the extra food than to risk having a bad low blood sugar reaction,'' the company advises. "If you don't feel better in 15 minutes, eat the same amount of food again. If your blood sugar level is still low after the second dose of sugar, call your doctor, nurse, or diabetes educator. If you can't talk to one of them, go to the nearest emergency room.

Eat the food used to treat low blood sugar in addition to your normal meals and snacks. If it will be more than an hour before you eat again, eat a sandwich in addition to the sugar. This will keep your blood sugar level from falling too low again before the next meal.'' Some foods you can eat are: 1 cup of juice (apple, orange) 1 cup of regular soda (not sugar-free ) 1 small box of raisins 3 glucose tablets 1 cup of milk 1 tablespoon of honey 1 tablespoon of sugar 5 small sugar cubes No caption HEALTH HTH