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Lions Clubs launch new drive to help those with eye problems

The Lions and Lioness Clubs of Bermuda's sight conservation committee will launch a major fundraising next month with two White Cane Days.

The committee, which comprises a representative from each of the Lions and Lioness Clubs, is responsible for helping those with eye problems.

Last March, $11,173.88 was collected and since then $15,109.76 has been spent to help more than 60 people with a variety of needs.

A spokesperson for the clubs said the majority of people who ask for assistance require new glasses, however, "We have sent people overseas for eye surgery not yet available in Bermuda and locally a number of people have been assisted with the cost of cataract surgery.'' Since 1978, the committee has helped with cornea transplants, "books on tape'', tape players for the Hamilton Library, guide dogs for the blind, braille books for students and other aids for the visually impaired.

"Not all of our help is financial, sometimes a person will call us with questions about their eye problem and through our network of eye care professionals and Lions contacts we can usually help them find the answers,'' the spokesperson said.

He added that people are referred to the committee by various Government departments, churches, schools, friends and family.

"The money is donated to us by the public and therefore the committee is responsible to the public for every penny spent. Each request is checked carefully before assistance is given and sometimes the family is asked to contribute.'' The spokesperson also said the yearly expenses varied greatly and could only be estimated on past experience.

"We are able to help as many people as we do through the generosity of the public. Each year they provide the money which enables us to continue our assistance to those with site problems.'' White Cane Tag Days will be held on March 17 and 18.