Lions in fight for sight conservation
raise funds for sight conservation.
Jane Amaral yesterday told Hamilton Lions that the annual White Cane Tag Day was vital in the fight for sight conservation since it is the main fund raising activity.
"We don't have another fund raising drive,'' she said.
Mrs. Amaral said the money generated from the Tag Day helped on average 100 people a year who suffered with a wide range of sight problems.
Noting that a local cataract surgery cost about $1,500, she said: "Most of the people we help are in financial need. A lot of people do not have the money and even if they have HIP, they still have to come up with a couple of hundred dollars.'' The Sight Screening programme also benefits from the money raised during the annual Tag Day. The labour intensive programme involves annual visits to all of the Islands' nursery schools to perform sight tests on children preparing to enter preschool.
"This year those born in 1993 will be tested,'' she said.
Mrs. Amaral added that all funds were spent on helping those in need and pointed out that no money was spent on administration.