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Local artists stand `tall' in new book

Their individual creativity brought them together in a book about Bermudian tales.

And with the words of the author and their own memories of growing up on the Island these four female artists were able to bring their illustrations to life in Dale Butler's "More Tall, Tall True Bermuda Tales''.

Angela Ming Bean, Jean Rodriguez, Joan Thompson, and Christine Hinds Wellman were chosen to illustrate the book because "all in their own way they are talented artists,'' Mr. Butler said.

He added: "And I thought it was an honour to have them participate in my book.

"They all wanted to do it so I decided to divide the book up into stories which gave them the opportunity to illustrate each story. They read the stories which enabled them to illustrate and it also captured their own memories of Bermuda.'' The book, which is the latest writings by Mr. Butler, tells tales of his life growing up in Bermuda when life seemed a little simpler with snow balls, neighbourhood cricket games and the days of stealing cherries and loquats from the neighbours.

Mrs. Rodriguez, who is an artist and an art teacher, said Mr. Butler asked if she would do the cover of the book and told her what he wanted.

"This was my first time illustrating for a book and I was nervous but I did my best and decided to draw Dale reading to some young children, one of which is supposed to be him as a little boy,'' Mrs. Rodriguez said.

She added: "Dale also wanted the cover to be real Bermudian so I added a cricket bat, and some marbles. He also wanted a sunset because he is keen of the sunset.

"I was honoured when he asked me to do it.'' Artist and teacher Mrs. Ming Bean, whose illustrations can also be seen in the book "It Takes a Smiling Raindrop'' said before she did her illustrations she was provided with a rough draft of the stories so she could develop her ideas for the pictures.

"I grew up with Dale so I knew what he was talking about in the stories, and I knew his personality and I knew what he was looking for.'' Mrs. Ming Bean added: "The stories of Bermuda painted a picture for me which I was able to develop.

"I love illustrating for books and welcome any opportunity to do so.'' Artist Mrs. Thompson said: "When I started selling my prints, Dale would always encourage me, he encouraged me to do this which I have never done before.

"I'm glad that I contributed to this book because it gave me a little more confidence. It's like taking another step. Just because someone can paint it doesn't mean they have a lot of confidence.'' Mrs. Thompson added: "I had the rough drafts for the stories and Dale gave me a choice of what I wanted to do and I did four illustrations.

"I appreciate this opportunity to go forward in my career. Now I can say that I illustrated a book.'' Mrs. Thompson also said that she can relate to the book because "I'm 51-years-old and I remember when I was little, sitting out on the porch telling knock-knock jokes. We didn't have a TV.

"Even though one person wrote the book there are different feelings throughout it.'' Mrs. Hinds Wellman said she met Mr. Butler at Sandys Secondary School, where she is an art teacher, "and he always said he had some illustrations for me to do.

"I was scared because I had never illustrated for any book before. I read the stories which were very vivid and it was not hard to visualise what the story was trying to impart.'' PHOTo ILLUSTRATING BERMUDA TALES -- These four artists are responsible for the beautiful illustrations in the book "More Tall, Tall True Bermuda Tales'' by Dale Butler. Pictured from left are Mrs. Jean Rodriguez, Mrs. Christine Hinds Wellman, Angela Ming Bean, and Mrs. Joan Thompson.