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Local effort under way to revive the lost art of poetry recital

A mission to revive the art of poetry in Bermuda takes a giant leap forward this weekend when Mr. Leon Edmead presents "An Evening of Songs and Poetry'' at Bethel AME Church.

Under the patronage of our first "Dame'' -- Marjorie Bean -- Mr. Edmead has gathered an impressive roster of people who will perform poetry of their own and others. There will also be music from the Leopardtones on this programme, which organisers hope will also help raise money for Mr. Edmead's church, Bethel AME at Shelly Bay.

"When I was young, there was an art to reciting poetry in school and at various functions, so I would like to help revive this art form. It used to be so much a part of the cultural life of Bermuda,'' explains Mr. Edmead.

"I can remember when I was at school, we were always having poetry and play readings. A lot of people from around my era can remember Dame Marjorie coming around the various schools. She used to ride a pedal bike that had a little engine on it which ran with kerosene oil and whenever it backfired (which was quite often), everyone would say `Dr. Bean's here!' Then the whole school would go quiet.'' Mr. Edmead says he clearly remembers how she would go from class to class, sitting down with just about every student: "Then she would make you sit up straight and speak properly,'' he laughs. "Her technique for speaking and conducting herself rubbed off on a lot of us. She had a big influence on me.'' The audience will be able to hear the results of that teaching for themselves, as Mr. Edmead will be one of those who will be reading poems in the recital which is also a fundraiser for Bethel AME Church.

"I decided that poetry should be presented, because we have Bermudians of all races, creeds and colour who write poems and it's nice to have them performed in public,'' says Mr. Edmead, who believes that poetry can be a powerful healing force for social ills.

"Rev. Alton Thompson at Bethel is a very humble minister, who has some outstanding plans for the church. Proceeds from this programme will be going towards the building fund. I'm hoping that everyone who likes poetry and music will be supporting this,'' adds Mr. Edmead.

Among those taking part will be Candise Smith, a young writer who, says Mr.

Edmead, will be reading some of her own work, as will Nina Dill.

"Glen Iris will also be doing some of his poems which he is publishing in a book and he's hoping it will be out by then.'' Among the total of 13 readers performing in the recital will be Shangri-la-Durham Thompson, author of both plays and poetry, Courtney Rawlins who also just brought out his book of poems, and assistant director of Government Information Services, Valerie Pethen.

An Evening of Songs and Poetry takes place at Bethel AME Church on Sunday, March 5 from 6 to 8 p.m. and admission is $10.