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Miss Bermuda rates among top 25

relaxed after a gruelling three-week schedule leading up to the Miss Universe pageant.Although the 20-year-old Devonshire beauty was not a finalist in the contest held last Friday in Bangkok, Thailand,

relaxed after a gruelling three-week schedule leading up to the Miss Universe pageant.

Although the 20-year-old Devonshire beauty was not a finalist in the contest held last Friday in Bangkok, Thailand, she was believed to have rated among the top 25.

Miss Joseph competed against more than 70 women for the coveted title which is bestowed upon the contestant who most impresses a panel of judges with her beauty, poise, personality and intelligence.

The title went to 19-year-old Miss Namibia, Michell McLean, with Paola Turbay of Colombia chosen as first runner-up and Madhu Sapre of India second runner-up.

"Colita had all eights (out of the maximum score of 10),'' said Mrs. Karla Lacey Minors one of the managing directors of Look Ltd. which organised this year's Miss Bermuda contest. "From what we calculated she was in the top 25.'' Both Mrs. Lacey Minors and Look Ltd.'s other managing director Ms Reggie Fleming said they were proud of Miss Joseph's performance. They noted that she was "featured quite prominently'' in the televised contest which was seen by millions of viewers around the world.

A delighted Ms Beverley Joseph, mother of Miss Bermuda, said: "She did very well. As far as I'm concerned she always does well and I'm proud of her.'' Describing the contest as "great, but a lot of hard work,'' Miss Joseph said her advice to those interested in following in her footsteps would be: "Don't go into it thinking it is all about looking pretty.'' "If you do,'' she warned, "you will be unhappy.'' Miss Joseph said the secret to being a happy contestant was willingness to work hard and knowing when to relax.

"I had lots of fun,'' she said. "Everyone was so laid back. In fact, the organisers said we were the most loving group of girls and got along the best.'' But the Colonial Insurance representative is well aware that all good things come to an end. While scheduled to appear at several events -- including the Bermuda Day parade on May 25 -- she returns to work tomorrow.