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Origins of Cup Match

Britain many years prior to slaves being freed in 1834.In Bermuda, 4,000 slaves were freed on August 1, 1834. In 1902, black lodges started Cup Match to mark the anniversary of Emancipation.

Britain many years prior to slaves being freed in 1834.

In Bermuda, 4,000 slaves were freed on August 1, 1834. In 1902, black lodges started Cup Match to mark the anniversary of Emancipation.

According to author Madeleine Burnside, who has written about the 17th Century transatlantic slave trade, slavery was not practised in London. During these times simmering conflicts erupted between England and other territories and when the human cargoes could not be sold in the colonies, they would be sailed to London.

There "the captive Africans would be turned loose in a chilly, bewildering city.'' Some found work in the homes of wealthy people, others took to the streets and relied upon churches and guilds for their meagre necessities, while a few returned to sea to serve on European merchant ships.

Emancipation brought joy and hope to Bermuda's slaves and many attended numerous black church meetings giving praise.

Cup Match arose from picnics and social events funded by Lodges and Friendly Societies to celebrate the day and is probably one of the most important public holidays of the year. As most locals know, Cup Match is a popular annual cricket classic held over a two-day period ending after August 1.