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Presbyterian Church Rev. T. Alan W. Garrity

excitement. We began counting the days -- perhaps even as early as November -- waiting for Santa to come bringing his presents for us (if we were a good boy/girl).

Almost as special as Santa were the postmen bringing thousands of millions of cards and letters to homes and businesses all over the world with hardly a mistake. It is amazing that they reached the right house and the right person.

I wonder if it has happened to you, it certainly has happened to me -- an envelope drops through the letterbox along with a number of others -- and without thinking I begin to open it only to realise that it may be for someone else! It may be for someone in the same street, but the wrong number has been put on the envelope.

Sometimes it has happened in the same house, because my first initial is the same as one of my daughter's. I'm sure all parents know what happens when they open their children's mail! Christmas is the time when there's a present specially for each one of us. It is clearly addressed, labelled by God, in God's own hand, and no mistakes! It is the personal gift of His love offered personally through the presence of His son.

The Bible says that the Good News God gives is "for all people'' -- so no letterbox is missed! The greatest present we can receive this Christmas is a free gift with no strings attached. God's love is the greatest gift we can have for ourselves -- and what's more, it is the greatest gift we can share with others.

I take this opportunity on behalf of Christ Church Warwick, to wish the people of Bermuda a very happy Christmas.

God bless you and your family and friends.