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Quotes of the Year

Simmons reacting to the news of the forced retirement of Wayne Perinchief and George Rose.*** "It smacks of taking advantage of one's position without having any regard for the future of the Island.'' -- C.V. (Jim) Woolridge,

Simmons reacting to the news of the forced retirement of Wayne Perinchief and George Rose.

*** "It smacks of taking advantage of one's position without having any regard for the future of the Island.'' -- C.V. (Jim) Woolridge, on plans by Sir John Swan and Maxwell Burgess to open a McDonald's franchise on the Island.

*** "We are appealing to the people doing these things to have some common sense and wake up to the fact that these attacks are hurting Bermuda.'' -- Wendell Tucker of the Bermuda Taxi Federation reacting to increasing attacks against taxi drivers.

*** "If the Minister has some information perhaps he'd like to share it with me.'' -- Prisons Commission Edward Dyer commenting on reports inmates at Westgate were having illicit romps with lady friends while out on work programmes.

*** "I'm a backbencher and I expect to be treated like everybody else...'' -- Sir John Swan, defending his application to open a McDonald's on the Island.

*** "John Swan told me it was a dumb idea. It would rob local restaurants and it would be unfair to everyone in Bermuda, and anyway its against the law.'' -- Retired US Navy Captain Tim Bryan recalling advice Sir John gave him in 1995 over McDonald's.

*** "I think he just got irritated that fool would go around shooting bullets. ..'' -- Father of Eugene Eversley Jr., commenting on his son's heroism for tackling an armed robber outside Lindo's Market.

*** "It's gone beyond hamburgers, french fries, and milkshakes. It's now into the future of our economy and how the outside world views us.'' -- Sir John, warning of the consequences should the Prohibited Restaurants Bill pass.

*** "I can only say that the outcome was no surprise because I think regardless of what I said the 21 members had already made up their minds.'' -- Premier David Saul reacting to a vote of censure against him.

*** "I work hard for my money and no young thug is going to take it from me.'' -- Unidentified taxi driver explaining why, in the face of rising attacks, he was carrying a length of metal pipe.

*** "They might as well give the inmates a set of keys and tell them to run the prison themselves.'' -- Unidentified prison guard, on reports hardened criminals were sneaking out for nights on the town.

*** "This reinforces what I've been saying all along. That the powers that be have leaned over backwards to accommodate Grape Bay, and to heck with the legislature.'' -- Rebel MP Ann Cartwright DeCouto on the announcement Grape Bay, operating as McDonald's, was recommended to operate the food and beverage concession at the Airport.