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Rock watchers ready to roll

the appointment of the new head of its sister action group, Rock Watchers.KBB chairman Scott Kitson said John Buckley, 51,

the appointment of the new head of its sister action group, Rock Watchers.

KBB chairman Scott Kitson said John Buckley, 51, a general manager at Conyers Dill & Pearman will chair the group whose members clean a designated area of the Island.

And Mr. Buckley expressed excitement about the opportunity.

Stressing that it was time for some action regarding the cleaning up of Bermuda, he said: "Our first priority will be to inform and encourage Bermudians to become more involved.'' Sometime in the near future, he added, Rock Watchers will announce plans for improving Bermuda's upkeep.

"We are seeing more trash now, than we saw say twenty years ago'' he said.

Mr. Buckley added the general public needed to be informed about the importance of keeping Bermuda beautiful and the threat litter could cause to the Island's quality of life.

Mr. Buckley, who lives in Smith's Parish with his two children, Mark, 14, and Melissa, ten, said he looked forward to working with his fellow Rock Watchers.

John Buckley