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Santa Claus and Scrooge inspire wins

Royal Gazette's annual short story competition.Nine-year-old Rosie Hall was awarded the top prize from among 206 entries in the under-18 category for her story entitled "Do you Believe in Santa?''.

Royal Gazette's annual short story competition.

Nine-year-old Rosie Hall was awarded the top prize from among 206 entries in the under-18 category for her story entitled "Do you Believe in Santa?''.

And Christopher Webster's story -- "Scrooge's Bermuda Christmas Spirit'' -- emerged as the best of the 31 short stories entered by adults.

Other under-18 writers honoured by The Royal Gazette's panel of judges were runner-up Ally Lusher, age 12, for "Home for Christmas'' and "An Unconventional Convention'' by Jessie Shane, age 13, who received an award for showing exceptional promise.

Five entrants received honourable mentions. They are: "The Elf Who Saved Christmas'' by Tanyalyn Bailey (age 12), "A Skink Tail'' by Laura Andrews (12), "The Christmas Ball'' by Nathalie West (11) and A "Jolly Christmas After All'' by Christine Howcroft (11).

Joseph Galea was named runner-up in the adult category for "Sin of Omission'', while Catherine Kennedy will receive a prize for "The Night Before Christmas'' which showed exceptional promise. Anthony Richardson's "A Bermudaful Christmas'' received an honourable mention.

A group of three writers employed by The Royal Gazette judged the stories.

One of the judges commented about the children's stories in general: "I was most impressed by the high calibre of the writing and the fact that they truly made numerous creative references to Bermuda and its small creatures such as lizards, toads, and frogs''.

The short stories by the winners, runners-up and exceptional promise prize winners will be published in The Royal Gazette's annual Season's Greetings supplement, which appears on December 24.