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The Importance of Language -- Third place essay winner

are living in today. Instead, I see disorganisation, hard labour, zero technology, and the long, hard way to do everything. For example, I see my next-door neighbour hand-washing dozens of loads of clothes.

Language has helped us to invent intelligent technological devices that have made the world that we live in today. Language has helped us to get new, helpful, and everyday things. I believe that man's mind has always been creative, but they never had the chance to express their creativity without the help of language.

Cavemen, who are believed to have no language but a mumble, did not have scanners, digital cameras, computers, telephones, washing machines, or sewing machines. Why? Because they did not have a language to explain their ideas on things that they may have wanted to invent.

Language is an expression. Speaking is the first step to most everything that we as humans do. In organised crime, people sit down and talk about the reasons why they may want a certain person killed. The president of the United States of America sits down with his advisors and talk about what he needs to do about drug problems in America, for example.

Language is often used for enjoyment through plays, poems, and songs. People are inspired through this form of language. They like it so much that they pay lots of money, just to hear someone recite some lines of their language. It is extraordinary that language is liked so much by people in the form of entertainment.

Language is not only spoken word, it can also be movements and music. You can speak with your body. You can tell people how you feel. When Bach was composing music, he was just inventing a new dialect for a language that was already in existence. Now many people speak his dialect or listen to it for pleasure.

When you move your body in a certain way, you can speak to people.

If someone choreographed a song to some confusing music, they usually try to make the dance an explanation of the song. A translation from one language into the language that you may speak. People offer dance lessons to people who would like to learn. They are making money off of teaching you their language.

In conclusion, I would like to say that language makes the world more enjoyable and leisure-filled, it makes the world smarter and technology advanced, and that we use it every day for normal things.

Without language there would be disorganisation and confusion. Our world would be completely boring, lacking of spice, without the many variations of language.

The author is 13 years old and attends Whitney Middle School, year M3.

Akilah Beckles, age 13, Whitney Middle School.