The sparkle behind the VIP organisation
the energetic Suzanne DeCouto.
She was described in the Bermudian magazine recently as "the spark and sparkle'' of VIP.
The partnership, which is funded by Government, was formed as a permanent council to guide Bermuda's tourism awareness and visitor appreciation activities. The VIP vision and mission statement were developed at the Bermuda Tourism Awareness and Visitor appreciation retreat in July, 1995.
Mrs. DeCouto shared the VIP mission statement: "We believe that improving the excellence of our visitor industry is indivisible from the wellbeing of Bermuda. Our purpose is to inspire the people of Bermuda to work together and make a commitment to revitalise the Visitor Industry to be globally competitive in the 21st century.'' Mrs. DeCouto has a strong educational background in tourism. She holds certificates from the Bermuda College, Department of Hotel Technology in Front Office with distinction, was awarded the Heddington Shield in 1986, and is further certified in Front Office Procedures from the American Hotel and Motel Association. She also earned a bartending certification in 1986.
Additionally she has a solid business background. After college, Mrs. DeCouto had her first job behind the front desk of Sonesta Beach. She also worked a period at Marriott's Castle Harbour Resort before departing from the hotel industry for eight years to work in the private sector with Bermuda Forwarders.
In her spare time Mrs. DeCouto serves as President of Hospitality Professionals, a vibrant, professional, educational association facilitating the needs of individuals involved in the Hospitality and Tourism in Bermuda.
One of the main projects with Hospitality Professionals Association (HPA) is hosting "Tourism Appreciation Week'' yearly.
During the past two years Mrs. DeCouto's major focus has been her work with VIP. One of the key projects of VIP is the Ambassador Programme.
It was set up in conjunction with the Bermuda International Airport and it's mandate is to provide a warm, friendly welcome to arriving and departing passengers, to give directions and assist passengers in need.
"We hope all residents are aware of how important tourism is to Bermuda. It affects everyone, even those not in the tourist industry,'' said Mrs.
DeCouto.'' The Ambassadors try to make everyone's visit to Bermuda rewarding.
The programme is headed by Mrs. DeCouto and run by volunteers who also began greeting our cruise ship passengers this season.
VIP, in partnership with HPA, launched the Bermuda Sunshine Award and the first recipient was announced in the month of August 1997. This is a community award which allows a visitor to nominate a resident they feel has made their stay brighter.
VIP has a supportive board comprised of the following persons: Deputy chairperson Barbara O'Shaughnessy, Carol West, Gary Phillips, Bill Shoaf, Louis Mowbray, David Rowntree and Pat Phillip-Basset.
When Mrs. DeCouto was asked how the average citizen of Bermuda could help tourism she responded: "Be nice to our tourists. Just being helpful when someone asks for directions makes an impression on that person. Give old-fashioned kindness. Each person has a bit of kindness they could share.'' Mrs. DeCouto concluded: "What I enjoy most about my work is being in a helping role in tourism. VIP receives a generous amount of positive feedback.'' HELPING TOURISM -- Suzanne DeCouto