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The Tin Head Cat

tin stuck on his neck, covering his head. My neighbour caught the cat and tried to take the tin off. He could not pull the tin off his neck. So he decided to cut the bottom of the tin off so that the cat could see. When he opened the tin the cat run away.

The cut was like this for about 9 months. My Mommy and Uncle David tried for a long time to catch the cat. They called the Feline Association for help. The BFAB gave us a cage to catch the cat in. We caught our own cat a few times, but never the cat with the tin on his head. We called the BFAB and asked for a net. They gave us a net like a butterfly net. It was big.

One night my Mommy and Uncle David saw the cat, and waited for him to come back in our yard. My Uncle David tip-toed to the cat and swung the net right over the cat. The cat was afraid, the was jumping and trying to get away. We put him in the cage that the BFAB had left for us.

The BFAB came and took the cat to get the tin cut off. The cat was very sick and the vet had to put him to sleep. If he was well, we would have adopted the cat and named him Golden Tin head.

This was very exciting and we took pictures and video taped the whole thing.

By Gregory Maybury, age 11, Elliott Primary EDUCATION MONTH MINI SUPPLEMENT ED