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Top ten ways to spend summer

strong opinions about how they want to spend their summer vacations. Here are the top ten activities -- which they sang out with smiling faces: 1. Swimming and snorkelling 2. Going on vacation abroad or playing tourist in Bermuda 3. Art projects 4. Going to the arcade across from Mr. Chicken on Middle Road, Southampton 5. Camping with friends and family with a little fishing 6. Slumber parties and summer parties cooking on the barbecue 7. Riding the ferry boats and taking bus trips to fun places 8. Horseback riding 9. Sleeping in late in the mornings and eating breakfast without a rush.

10. Just kicking back reading, watching TV and doing different stuff.

The P-4 students also gave a list of their favourite foods for summer: Pizza, grilled chicken and hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, flavoured snowballs, ice cream and sherberts and macaroni & cheese.