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Trash gives kids a better insight

understanding of how our environment can have a negative or positive impact on tourism. With the theme, `Pick it up for Tourism' in mind, students are being asked to set aside those things they would normally dispose of in the garbage and recycle them into works of art. "We wanted to do something that would help the environment that was also in keeping with the theme of tourism,'' explained school principal Ed Wright, "and we came up with `Pick it up for Tourism. It's within the scope of the work done by the Keep Bermuda Beautiful society (KBB). We've just asked them to bring in those things that they would normally trash or things that have been tossed in the bushes and scattered throughout the Island and classes are already starting to build up quite a collection. "They'll then turn them into works of art or practical and useful things after which we're hoping to put on a display out of what is normally considered garbage. We're trying to get them to be creative.'' Also planned for the month is a performance by the school choir, double dutch skipping team and drum corps in front of City Hall, he added. EDUCATION MONTH ED